Monday, April 1, 2024

Reflection BLOG

WE MADE IT! Never thought I would get to reach this point, yet everything went so fast. You can clearly see my overwhelm and confused state. This project was a learning experience, challenged and motivated. I learned to use the tools, materials, and resources practically available and focus all of my attention to adhering to my pre planned schedule and developing organizational skills. The portfolio project was an insightful task, pushing my abilities to level I didn't know existed, way beyond comfort zones. I evoked and developed a great understanding and appreciation for the film media world.Learning skills of time management and adhering to responsibilities on a personal schedule, and how to combine prior and new information to create the 2 minute film opening.

One of the highlights of the project was undoubtedly being able to apply the knowledge I learned during the school year. For instance, filming perspectives and shots cohering and correlating with my narrative and extending my production abilities to incorporate mi-en-scene which was my absolute favorite. Selecting outfits for my character, props, hairstyle choices, all these details was super interesting and fun! For example, the brilliant idea of symbolizing the heart shaped necklace, how such a simple prop could have so much significance and importance. All these acts, steps, and detail only increase my admirable for such professions for pre existing films. Are feature and specific detail once unnoticed and unappreciated now captures and allures me. Most of all, I am extremely proud of the consistent and effective communication my partner, Camila Sanchez and I had through out the project, from start to finish. There was such an easy flow of ideas, opinions, perspectives. Establishing an open debate maintaining a collaborative environment, we listened to each others ideas, and respectfully agreed to disagree to remain equally satisfied with the project. If it weren't for the balanced responsibility, this project wouldn't have been as successful as it is now. Realizing our mistakes and making cool collaborative executive decisions for solutions. 

As wish to tell old me, starting the project fresh, is to record more footage! For future improvement, I would have rearranged my timeline schedule and planned to meet my partner more inperson during non school hours. However, ultimately I am very proud of both my partner and I because our ideas became a reality and we learned so much about ourselves and each other.

Title & Credits BLOG

Completing all aspects of editing visuals and sounds, my partner, Camila Sanchez and I took on the final stage and step of incorporating the title and credits. Taking advantage of our physical collaboration, sharing ideas and perspectives on selecting the appropriate fonts and colors was beneficial. Fortunately, during the planning and research stage a few weeks ago, Camila and I had already pre designed and narrowed the type of font desired for the initial title slide. This prior foundation was favorable, navigating a more precise path. 

However, we ran into a little situation because Imovie had a limited amount of fonts and the specific font we wanted... sadly was missing. Fear not, because you have to work around our problems and not stress, we found a solution. Scrolling through the options, we found the font "Georgia". Elegant yet effortless, this title was everything we were looking for and was pretty similar to the original font selected on Canva platform. Following, tying in with the "GOLD" from the title, Camila and I just HAD TO pick a darker and deeper golden color that was mysterious and clearly visible layered over the dark screen. For a creative and fluid transition, Camila and I had the idea of placing the title "GOLDEN ESCAPE" at the start on both a black screen and the first establishing shot. Initially, we had planned to place the slide solely on the establishing shot, however, the visuals was too crowded and cluttered, ignoring the significance of the title words. Showing the video to our families and third person perspectives, although they enjoyed viewing the film, there remained constant confusion of the repeating funeral scenes. "What are all these flowers" "Why do we keep going back to the urn and what does it have to do with the girl?" This was definitely not good, a major problem. Although our intention was to evoke skepticism and perplexity, there still needed to be a basic understanding of her intentions, wanting to flee, and faking her death. The curiosity needed to remain with the realm of why? The motives. So we decided to focus and edit the visuals to focus on the funeral picture, and following the title slide, and the time and date of the escaping scene. 

As for the credits, this was much less complex despite not discussing and determining the fonts and color. Prior, we had only decided to distributive spread out the credits on the screen, reaching from different corners. Fortunately, having your friend as your partner, ideas connected and determining the final font was easy as pie! Selecting a basic white font, the intention was not to drive the attention away form the main focus on the screen: Grace. Camila and I divided and distributed the roles of the credits such as director, editor, producer, costumer designer, editor, etc. I super happy with how everything turned out! Here are a couple images from the film for examples. 

Film Opening

Here is the link to my 2 minute project film opening  Title: Golden Escape  Link: