Monday, September 25, 2023

Camera Shots Quiz Analysis

 In my AICE Media class, the students were assigned a creative and detailed task to create a storyline through the combination of 15 shots. The Camera quiz assignment objectivity was to illustrate a message or idea while incorporating a true understanding of angles and shots. Initially, the students has to choose a tangible object or person identified as the subjects or characters of the storyline. Within the 15 shots a certain list of shots were required: an establishing shot, long shot, two medium shots, two close up shots, en extreme close up, a point of view shot, high angle, and low angle. Following, to present and publish the assignment, the storyline images were organized in co order onto a google slideshow where each slide contained a title, image, and description.

Team working with my partner, the initial step to completing the project was outlining and planning the storyline. Then we went to the cafeteria at school to being shooting the images. Asking other students to be included in the visuals and utilizing the environment to our advantage, we made use of our surrounding to develop to clear and successful story. Then, sharing a google slides, we analyzed each shot and wrote a detailed explanation of the purpose of each shot. 

I believe with improved time management and better organization, our images and following description could have benefited the outcome of the assignment. Some of the medium shots were poorly captured and terms where incorrectly utilized in the description. Although the collaboration and planning process was successful, there was a limit of time to better the finalized the results.

Google slides presentation:

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Film Opening

Here is the link to my 2 minute project film opening  Title: Golden Escape  Link: